Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Malala - مالالا

The girl in the photo is the brave 14-year old Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai, recovering now - though still in dangerous condition - from an operation to remove a bullet to her head and another to her neck by the Taliban, who shot her because of her continuous courage to stand up in demand of her rights, particularly the right to educaion. Read about her and pray for her.

الصورة هي للفتاة الباكستانية مالالا يوسفزاي ذات ال١٤ عاما، والتي تتعافى الآن - مع إستمرار خطورة حالتها - من عملية لإزالة رصاصة من رأسها وأخرى من رقبتها بعد إطلاق الطالبان النار عليها بسبب شجاعتها المستمرة في الدفاع عن حقوقها، وبخاصة حقوقها في التعلم.

إقرأ عنها وإدعو لها بالشفاء - (المصادر بالأعلى بالإنجليزية، وبالأسفل بالعربية)

Monday, 8 October 2012

A Young Hussein Tantawi In 1973

A young-er Lieutenant-Colonel Mohammed Hussein Tantawi in the 1973 war after the ceasefire.

If Egyptian President Morsi Joined "The Simpsons"

Egyptian Blogger @Moftasa gives President Morsi a makeover à la "The Simpsons."

English Translation Of Manal Al-Tibi's Resignation Letter

Nubian human rights activist Manal Al-Tibi cause quite a ruckus with her letter of resignation from Egypt's Constituent Assembly, going as far as accusing the assembly of leading the "counter-revolution."

I translate the fiery letter for Ahram Online, while maintaining as much of the original spirit as possible. Read it here. A link to the Arab original is also on the page.

Why It's Hard For Morsi And The MB To Fail

In this Al-Monitor Article, I discuss why the odds are stacked against the MB truly failing in running Egypt in the next few years.

Read it here